Blog — create zen
Halloween Blue Full Moon is almost here-clear the negative energy!
2020 ambition amethyst black tourmaline blog blue kyanite blue moon business ceremony citrine cleanse clear corona virus create zen crystal crystals full moon get rid of negative energy half moon halloween happiness Home Office incense intention lepidolite love meditate metaphysical money negative energy palo santo Peaceful Work Space protect your space relieve stress romance rose quartz sage selenite set smoke success super moon weird feeling white howlite white sage work from home

7 Essential Items for Your Perfect Peaceful Work-from-Home Space
amethyst corona virus create zen crystals Home Office palo santo Peaceful Work Space pink amethyst protect your space sage selenite work from home

Corona virus has completely reshaped the U.S. in just a few weeks. Right now, there are millions of people that have either been furloughed, laid off or are working from home. A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all those people that can't work from home and are on the front line: health care, grocery store, post office, school operations, IT, sanitation workers, military, etc. These people are putting their lives at risk everyday for us, thank you! For those us that have jobs that allow us to work from home, I've compiled a list of 7 essentials to make your...